Risk in Life

Before you can be creative, you must be courageous. Creativity is the destination, but courage is the journey.”(Reiman, Joey).

In life, it is important for every individual to take risks in order to grow and develop. This could mean changing one's career path, moving to a new location, or starting a new business venture. Risk-taking allows us to expose our creativity and pursue our interests, abilities, and dreams. It can also open up new ideas, skills, and opportunities and give us the chance to feel proactive and in control of our lives.

However, it is important to note that risk-taking has the potential to yield both positive and negative outcomes. Some people may be hesitant to take risks due to fear of failure, leading them to stay in their comfort zone and lead a routine life. Others, however, approach risk-taking with confidence and see it as a challenge to be overcome.

One example of a person who took a risk and achieved great success is Sir Thomas Edison, who invented the electric bulb after taking the risk to try new things. Similarly, Mr. Fabien Cousteau took a risk by spending 31 days aboard the Aquarius, an underwater research laboratory, and was able to observe and document the diverse marine life he encountered.

In my own life, I took the risk to change my major from electrical engineering to computer science and study in the United States. It was a difficult decision, as it meant leaving my home and loved ones and facing the challenges of adapting to a new culture and environment. However, I approached the risk with confidence and did my research to prepare myself for the journey. Today, I am happy to say that my risk-taking paid off and I am thriving in my studies and new life.

In conclusion, it is important to take calculated risks rather than foolish ones, and to properly research and consider the potential consequences before making a decision. While risk-taking can be scary, it can also lead to great rewards and help us achieve our goals and dreams.

Works Cited

  • F, C. (2014, Oct). What I learned from spending 31 days underwater. https://www.ted.com/talks/fabien_cousteau_what_i_learned_from_spending_31_days_underwater/transcript?language=en#t-533362.
  • Sharoon, G. (2001). Taking Risks. Retrieved from http://www.goodlifecoaching.com/CreativeLife41.html.
